Popcorn Fundraiser
Welcome to the 2022 Popcorn Season!
This year we encourage all scouts to use the Trails End app for popcorn sales! To register and get more information about the App and online popcorn sales please visit https://www.trails-end.com/registration. Please note: you may use the paper form to collect your door to door sales (or office sales) but when you are done selling you will need to log into the App and enter your orders into the “wagon wheel”.
2022 Popcorn Resources
2022 Information Flyer
Trails End App Information
Council Popcorn Website
Business Card Leave Behind
Door Hanger Leave Behind
Mark your calendars:
Open Now: Online and App Popcorn Sales begin (Sept. 1- Oct. 23rd)
September 1: Popcorn Sales official begin (Sept. 1- Oct. 23)
October 23: Sale ends
October 24: All orders must be entered into the Trails End App and all collected cash/checks turned in at the pack meeting (Scarecrows)
November 11: Popcorn Distribution- All Popcorn must be picked up. If you cannot pick up your order please coordinate with your Den leader. All money is also due at this time.
What is the difference between door to door, wagon wheel and online sales?
1. Door to door with a form,
a. Only 7 items available to order
b. you will write down the orders on the form(s)
c. you will collect cash/check (checks: make payable to Pack 40) and turn in by October 26th & November 30th.
d. You will enter all your orders into the App under Wagon Wheel By October 26th.
e. Your scout will deliver the product beginning November 20th.
2. Door to door with Wagon Wheel,
a. Only 7 items available to order, however you can also show what is available online.
b. You can text/ email your scouts link to the customer and they can place the order and pay from their own device (never
touching your device)
c. Your scout/you/the customer can input the order right away causing less data entry issues
d. Customer can pay cash, check or credit card through the APP (note: the CC number is secured and only trails ends billing can
see this information.
e. you will collect cash/check (checks: make payable to Pack 40) and turn in by October 26th & November 30th.
f. Your Scout will deliver the product beginning November 20th
3. Door to Door Online or Online through social media,
a. There are a total of 16 items available to choose from
b. You can text/email or share your scouts link to the customer and they can place the order and pay from their own device
c. Customer will have the popcorn delivered straight to their door, so the scout does not have to distribute
d. Customer pays online (no money handling)
e. Trails End offers FREE Shipping on all orders over $30.
g. Orders are generally shipped within 3-5 business days (orders containing chocolate will not ship until after October 20th so it
does not melt)
h. The pack receives additional incentives for each online order placed.
Where does the money go?
Our Goal for each scout is $500. Pack 40 will get 30% of the sale.
What does Pack 40 do with the 30% of sales?
• Purchase awards
• Derby cars for the pine wood derby
• Food for the camp outs and other activities
• Camp site rental
• Skate Night
• Rocket day
• Scouts Selling $850 will receive $75 towards summer camp and a camp shirt, along with next years dues and the Amazon gift card